Bruker’s high-performance scientific instruments enable scientists to explore life and materials at molecular, cellular and microscopic levels. Bruker’s AFM-based nanoscale IR spectroscopy with our patented photothermal-based AFM-IR technique features advanced scattering SNOM capability, enabling high-performance measurements on 2D materials, electrical and optical materials. Its unique Tapping AFM-IR mode provides 10nm resolution chemical imaging and surface-sensitive measurements for the highest resolution imaging. Coupled with high-speed HYPERspectral imaging, nanoIR provides the most comprehensive nanoscale IR solution for a broad range of applications. Whether it’s a high-end research system, a life sciences tool, a routine quality control instrument, or a process analyzer, Bruker offers a wide variety of innovative analytical tools for all of your demanding needs.
112 Robin Hill Rd
Santa Barbara, CA 93117